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Launching a free website does have some strings attached: hosting costs are just a starter. Those are our strings. For you, this is a 100% absolute free website – no strings attached. We have no hidden agenda of selling you anything, including any single point of view. We just make sure everything we post is as accurate as we can make it.
Following are some ways you can contribute to the success of this page:
Please visit our Policies page for guidelines and information on how we incorporate contributions to the website. You may wish to review our copyright policy page. You are also welcome to write to us at editor@wirestrungharp.com.
We gratefully accept any monetary contribution you may wish to make. We plan some day to set this up so you may contribute via PayPal. Until then, or as an alternative if you do not want to use PayPal, you may write an email to us at donate@wirestrungharp.com. and we can work out another way to send your support.